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   Bella before she met Edward she was always like geting hurt(because she is a clutz like me) and she never had a boyfriend. After edward she like never gets hurt because he is always right by her side.
NAME: Isabella Marie Swan (now Cullen).
STATUS: Newborn vampire.
DATE OF BIRTH: September 13, 1987
DATE OF CHANGE: September 10.  She was 18.
SOURCE OF CHANGE: Edward Cullen.
ORIGINALLY FROM: Phoenix, Arizona
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Human: fair-skinned; long, straight hair; heart-shaped face; wide forehead with a widow's peak; large wide-spaced eyes; prominent cheekbones; a thin nose and a narrow jaw with a pointed chin; lips are a little out of proportion, a bit too full for her jaw line; eyebrows are darker than her hair and more straight than arched; slender but not muscular; stubby fingernails. Vampire: indisputably beautiful; fluid even in stillness; flawless face is pale as the moon; dark, heavy hair; limbs are smooth and strong; skin glistening subtly, luminous as a pearl; eyes that blaze like vicious red flames.
HEIGHT / WEIGHT: 5 feet, 4 inches / 115 pounds.
EYE COLOR: Newborn vampire crimson.
SPECIAL TALENTS: To extend and lengthen a shield to protect herself and others against vampires' powers.
MARITAL STATUS: Married to Edward Cullen.
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